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Tips and tricks from the top JYSK store on turnover


Author: Johanne Sandal Nissen, Communications Coordinator, JYSK

Category: Sales Growth

The Danish JYSK store in the city Holbæk has had the biggest turnover in the last two years among all physical JYSK stores. visited the store to learn more about the Store Manager and her team’s success.

Store Manager
Store Manager Shengyl Kaplanoska on the right with Deputy Store Manager Stine Falster-Hansen

Shengyl Kaplanoska is Store Manager in Holbæk, Denmark, which she has been for the past five years. Ever since she began managing the store a lot has happened and in the last two years, it has been the best physical JYSK store in terms of turnover. One of the reasons behind the success is her team, she explains.

“In our store, the team treats each other like a second family, which is why we all want to be here. I think that atmosphere spreads to our customers and they will remember that feeling next time they need something,” she says and continues:

“What makes us a great team is that we are always ready to help each other and work an extra shift if needed. That goes for me as well. I think it is important that I, as a leader, set a great example, which is also why I do not like to sit around in my office, but I will also spend my time vacuuming the store just like the rest of my team.”

Believe in your team

One of Shengyls colleagues asks her what time the team should go for lunch.

“I will let you be the boss of that,” she answers. Shengyl explains that she thinks one of the most important things about being a Store Manager is that you should always inspire your colleagues to gain more responsibilities.

Shengyl gives her team a personal Christmas gift every year. This year everyone got a mug with pictures on it from JYSK awards 2021 in Denmark, where they won the prize 'Store of the year'.

“I encourage my team to constantly seek new knowledge, and whenever they ask, I always find the time to help them gain new insights. When my team feels confident on the job, I believe they also get the winning attitude you need in order to be a great store,” she says.  

Stine Falster-Hansen, who is Deputy Store Manager in Holbæk, expresses a lot of gratitude for the way Shengyl manages the team.  

“When I started in the store 3,5 years ago, I was somewhat shy but with all the great responsibilities Shengyl has given me, I now thrive in a high-speed environment with a lot of decision-making. She has given me both the skills and the courage to strive for being Store Manager of my own JYSK store one day,” says Stine.

Know your customer

Shengyl also states that she has a good understanding of her customers’ needs and wants, which she thinks also has a big impact on the turnover results.

“We strive to get to know our customers and their shopping preferences, which makes me and my team able to ensure that we always have our best-selling products in stock. I think that also has an impact on potential customers from other cities because people are willing to drive a bit further in order to get the products they want,” says Shengyl, while customers greet her personally as they enter the store.

“Of course, it also helps that my team and I know many of our customers from the local area, and they enjoy coming here regularly,” she says with a smile.

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