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ULF in Quality inspection

ULF gets last approval before meeting the world


Author: Lisette Købsted-Nielsen, Communications Consultant


In this series, you will get a glimpse into the high-quality work that lies behind the becoming of JYSK products, starting as a colour sample, and evolving into real products. This is the third article in a series of four.

The Compliance & Quality department works hard every day to ensure that all JYSK products adhere to rules and regulations. The vase ULF passed the tests and received a quality stamp in all processes. Now, it was allowed to enter the stores.

Svend Frandsen is Quality Controller at Distribution Centre Uldum. He has just received the vase ULF for a daily quality inspection.

Among other, he ensures that all markings are correct both on the box and the vase. He checks if the vase is stable, if the glace is smooth, and if the correct markings and certificates are used.

Watch below a quality inspection of ULF performed by Svend.

Increased focus on quality

Over the years, quality has become an increasingly important part of JYSK, why it is included in all stages of renewing the product assortment.

To ensure a high-quality standard for products from the offset, the Compliance & Quality department has made guidelines for all product categories that the suppliers must follow when searching for JYSK products.

"With our quality inspections, we ensure that all products are safe to use and comply with our high-quality standards."- Jens Munk, Quality Team Leader at Distribution Centre Uldum

For instance, vases need to be constructed in a certain way and have certain features to avoid damage to surfaces and unfortunate accidents. These requirements apply to ULF.

“There are both rules and regulation that apply to the products in JYSK. These could be about for instance functionality or materials. For that reason, we have made a 1,000 pages long Supplier Guideline to make sure that our suppliers know what we want and, perhaps even more important, what we do not want in our JYSK assortments,” Laurits Vestergaard says, who is Quality Operation Manager in JYSK.

Early involvement of quality

Stay updated on the series

Read (or re-read) second article in the series - the art of spotting new products for JYSK.

Laurits and the quality team participate early in the process of renewing the JYSK assortment. They join forces with the Category Buyers when product samples are delivered at JYSK Head Office for a quality inspection among other.

Compliance & Quality and the Category Buyers go through the products one by one. If a product does not meet the requirements of the Supplier Guideline, it can either be discarded from the selection, or the supplier may be able to adjust the product.

“In the end, we end up with a selection of new products that are both adhering to the JYSK trend and style as well as quality requirements,” Laurits says.

Daily quality inspections

When the selection of new products is finalised, the products are sent to the many JYSK Distribution Centres. At the DCs, the quality teams use quality inspection guidelines to ensure that all products are exactly as they should be across stores and countries.

Quality Inspection of ULF
Svend Frandsen conducts a quality inspection on the vase ULF.

At the very first delivery, they make thorough inspections of all products. They check for instance for unwanted materials, unfortunate functionalities, and correct labelling. Afterwards, the products are sent through the quality departments at the third time of delivery and then recurring at every 15th delivery.

“With our quality inspections, we ensure that all products are safe to use and comply with our high-quality standards. When the products are approved in inspection, they are ready to be displayed in all JYSK stores. Our work free up a lot of time for our store colleagues. Then, they can put all their energy in Sales Attitude,” Jens Munk explains, who is Quality Team Leader at DCU.

ULF went through all the quality inspection procedures. The vase was then approved and included in the new “Belonging” assortment in JYSK.


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