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Happy customers is the main goal


Author: Krisztina Szilvasi, Communications Manager, JYSK Hungary

Category: Customer Service

Group photo Customer Service meeting

In March 2024, a group of Customer Service Managers met in Hungary to ensure even better service for JYSK customers. 

Improving customer satisfaction, time management and working with KPI’s. Those were the main topics at a recent matrix meeting for Customer Service Managers (CSM) from across Europe, which was hosted by the Hungarian team in Budapest. 

The feedback from the participants confirmed that the new meeting setup with a smaller group than normal was beneficial for everyone, as it allows all participants to be more active and secures more discussions and room for sharing experiences. 

One of the participants and host for the meeting was Kata Persaits, CSM from Hungary. 

Engaging activities at the Customer Service meeting
The Customer Service Managers in the midst of an engaging activity.

“As the organiser of the meeting, I found it to be particularly important because it provided an opportunity for the CSM’s to strengthen their bonds through engaging activities and enjoyable interactions, fostering a sense of unity that I really enjoyed witnessing,” she says. 

High-quality customer service in focus 

Tanja Ammentorp, Customer Service Director, says that the main purpose of the meetings is to train, share best practice, discuss challenges, and generally learn from each other. 

“This time we tried for the first time to divide the countries into three groups and have three different agendas. In Hungary, the main topics we discussed were the development of a Customer Service Team Leader, working with Business Plans, improving and working with KPI’s, time management, and the improvement of written communication to enhance customer satisfaction. We aim for fast answers with high quality and great customer experiences,” she says. 

After the meeting, everybody now has an action list that they will follow up on individually with their matrix manager. In addition, the main findings will be shared with other relevant colleagues. 

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