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Mobiles provide more time for customers


Author: Laura Sulbæk Frederiksen, Communications & Sponsorship Consultant

Category: People , Technology


In all JYSK Nordic stores across 20 countries, smartphones will make it easier for employees to complete tasks and provide more time for customers.

Mobility in JYSK

  • All stores receive three smartphones (depending on the size of the store)
  • A total of 3,500 smartphones have been purchased
  • The smartphone is a Motorola with a 5-inch screen
  • Norway will be the first country to start using the phones in June 2017
  • If there are any wishes for developments or improvements, the local JYSK Helpdesk is happy to hear from all users.

Yellow post-its, quick notes scribbled on the hand, waiting time by the store computer and a lot of extra steps back and forth checking up on products in the stockroom. 

These are just some of the things that should disappear from the everyday work, when smartphones are rolled out as a working tool in all JYSK stores.

In JYSK the project goes by the name of ”Mobility”. Basically it is about programs, which employees up until now could only access by computer, being made into apps on a smartphone. 

”Mobility is a modernisation and digitalisation of some work processes in stores. All of the tasks the employees use pen and paper to solve today are now being moved to the mobile. This way we make it easier for employees in stores to complete their tasks with fewer steps, minimise the risk of making mistakes, save a lot of time and therefore making it possible to provide a better service to our customers,” says Keld Marrott, Director of Store IT & Loss Prevention at JYSK.

Complete tasks with one click

If, for instance, employees in the store discover quality issues with a product, it has up until now been necessary to take a picture with a digital camera and transfer it the old-fashioned way via a cable to the computer to be able to report it in the internal system “Claims”.

With the mobility project, the Claims system has been developed into an app, and the task can now be completed with a single click on the smartphone.  

“There are many situations in which our colleagues in stores will experience that the mobiles will make the working day easier. The most important thing is understanding how to use them in the different situations in which they have previously used the computer, which takes a lot more steps to complete a task,” says Lasse Hedensted, Manager of Regional Helpdesk at JYSK.

Keld Marott is Director of Store IT and Loss Prevention at JYSK and responsible for the mobility-project.

For the time being nine of the current systems used in the stores have been developed into apps for the mobiles. With only few differences between the countries. And more are under development. 

"It is the same systems and buttons that need to be pressed. They are just made mobile-friendly"
- Keld Marrot, Director of Store IT and Loss Prevention at JYSK

Both Keld Marott and Lasse Hedensted expect that the colleagues in the stores will experience a big recognisability, when they are using the different apps. 

”The entire mobility project is a supplement to the stores. We are not removing any tools, but instead building new ones from the systems we already know and use. It is the same systems and buttons that need to be pressed. They are just made mobile-friendly,” says Keld Marott, who is responsible for developing the mobile solution in JYSK.

Skalborg saves steps

In the JYSK store in the town of Skalborg in the northern part of Denmark, where the employees have tested the use of the new smartphones and some of the new apps, they have been very happy with using the mobiles. 

For Simon Thomsen who works in the stockroom in Skalborg the smartphone is very useful. 

”My first reaction is that it is working very well. Now there are more of us who can react quickly to tasks, and at the same time we are saving a lot of steps and time in the store. For example by being able to mark ‘Click & Collect products’ ready on the spot or by using the video chat function in the stockroom if we have to check for something,” says Store Manager Janni Svendsen.

In the store the landline phones have been removed, so that all employees are helpfully nudged into using the new smartphones.

The Store Manager is already looking forward for the mobile tools to be developed even more.

“I have heard that there is still a lot of development underway, and we have also already passed along some suggestions for improvement. I think it is easy to use as it is now, but when more systems are made into apps, it will get even better.”


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