30 Results for ''
Video interviul: un nou pas în recrutarea colegilor potriviți

The video interview: a new step in finding the right colleagues

- Last year, when Skype or Zoom meetings were a choice, not a necessity, JYSK introduced a new step in the recruitment process: the video interview. GOJYSK.com asked colleagues from Romania and Poland why it is important and how it helps us find the right candidates.

Jørgen Lund

25 years of constant development

- On 1 July 2020, Executive Vice President Marketing, Sales & Expansion, Jørgen Lund, celebrates 25 eventful years in JYSK.

New reality in stores

Back to a new reality in JYSK stores

- All JYSK stores have now reopened, but coronavirus means new tasks and new routines.

First store in Russia

JYSK welcomed customers in Moscow

- Even though JYSK had not done any marketing, many customers stopped by, when JYSK opened the first store in Moscow on 3 June.

Charlotta Lindborg

Charlotta meets new possibilities in Germany

- After six years as HR Manager for JYSK Sweden, Charlotta Lindborg has taken on a new role within JYSK as Head of HR for DÄNISCHES BETTENLAGER in Germany.

ESS 2020

High employee satisfaction in JYSK

- During January 2020, employees in 20 countries were asked how it is to work in JYSK. The result puts JYSK among the best-rated companies in terms of employee satisfaction.

First four Store Managers in Russia prepare for April

First four Store Managers in Russia prepare for April

- Ahead of the first JYSK store opening in Russia in April, four future Store Managers have been training hard to get ready.

Silkeborgvej reopening

Morten was at the forefront of historic reopening of store #1

- The sun was shining on a frosty Friday morning, 28 February, when JYSK's very first store from 1979 reopened in the chain’s latest concept.

Input from customers is a goldmine of knowledge

Input from customers is a goldmine of knowledge

- JYSK is introducing Customer Satisfaction Survey in all stores to get a better understanding of what customers want and to provide the best possible service.