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VIDEO: Furniture goes through test assembly to ensure quality

Дата: 22/09/2017

Author: Martin Fyn Aamand, Head of Communications & PR

Категорія: Compliance and Quality

Assembly daysSeveral times a year, JYSK organises so-called test and assembly days, where furniture, among other things, are tested to ensure that they are easy for customers to assemble.

Few things are more annoying than getting home with a ready-to-assemble piece of furniture that cannot be assembled, or an assembly instruction that does not make sense.

Exactly to avoid that customers end up in these situations, JYSK organises test and assembly days several times a year before furniture, for instance, is sent to the stores.

“We have organised our so-called test and assembly days since 2011 where we simply try to assemble each piece of furniture. Every year since then, the number of returned products from customers who have not been able to assemble their product has dropped significantly. We are not done yet, but every time we adjust and improve the process, so that we continue to limit the number of returns,” explains Lars Ringtved Nielsen, Compliance & Quality Director in JYSK Nordic.

In the video below, you can see what it looks like when the distribution centre in Poland houses JYSK’s test and assembly days for furniture:

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