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First winner of the #GOJYSK competition

Дата: 24/05/2018

Author: Martin Fyn Aamand, Head of Communications & PR

Категорія: Careers & HR , People

Andrew Gillen, District Manager in JYSK UK, wins the first round of the JYSK Influencer competition on

The first winner of the JYSK Influencer competition on has been found.

After looking through all posts on Instagram tagged with #GOJYSK, colleagues from the HR and Communications departments have selected the post, which most signals “Bring Dedication. Meet possibilities”, one of JYSK’s four employee promises.

Andrew Gillen, District Manager in JYSK UK, posted this winning entry on 18 April:


A post shared by Andrew Gillen (@andrewgillen2402) on

As his prize, Andrew has been awarded a great diploma.

David and Andrew

Two other posts came very close to winning, and we also want to give them both an honourable mention here:


A post shared by Miroslav Krajsa (@miroslav_krajsa) on


A post shared by Christina Pape Pedersen (@c.pape) on


Check out many more posts on Instagram.

Next winner in August

The JYSK Influencer competition continues. To participate, all you have to do is post a photo or video to Instagram and tag it with #GOJYSK. In August, the next winner will be announced.


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