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#JYSKvlog won a prestigious employer branding award

Data: 06/11/2019

Author: Aleksandra Palmaka, Intranet & Communications Consultant, JYSK Poland

Categorie: Awards , Careers & HR , People

JYSK Poland was awarded in a prestigious Employer Branding Stars contest. Our company won a first prize for #JYSKvlog – a unique project where employees are presenting the company, their work and their colleagues from their own perspective. 

Aleksandra Chalimoniuk,  Communication & PR Manager accepted the award on behalf of JYSK Poland


#JYSKvlog is a unique project where employees are presenting the company, their work and their colleagues from their own perspective. 

#JYSKvlog is available on YouTube

# There are already 11 episodes available on YouTube 

Employer Branding Stars (EB Stars) is a contest organized by Employer Branding Institute in Poland. The purpose of the contest is to award the best employer branding initiatives in the whole country. This year 150 projects were submitted for the contest.

#JYSKvlog won a first prize for the best recruitment /employer branding video.

You can easily see the honesty in this video material. The employees take pride in their work and therefore are truly involved in the project itself. Authenticity is great value these days and this is exactly why jury picked #JYSKvlog as number one – says Maja Gojtowska, EB Stars jury member.

As an employer branding agency we were fascinated by this project from its very start. We appreciate employees engagement, the medium and the platform that was chosen to communicate with the recipients - says Kaja Gryciak, Client Service Manager in Employer Branding Institute.

Click on the picture below and you will be redirected to our #JYSKvlog on YouTube 


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