24 Results for ''
Video interviul: un nou pas în recrutarea colegilor potriviți

The video interview: a new step in finding the right colleagues

- Last year, when Skype or Zoom meetings were a choice, not a necessity, JYSK introduced a new step in the recruitment process: the video interview. GOJYSK.com asked colleagues from Romania and Poland why it is important and how it helps us find the right candidates.

Strategy Kickoff

170 colleagues participated in online strategy workshop

- With zero chance of gathering 170 colleagues at HimmerLand, this year’s strategy kick-off instead became the largest virtual event ever in JYSK’s history.

Input from customers is a goldmine of knowledge

Input from customers is a goldmine of knowledge

- JYSK is introducing Customer Satisfaction Survey in all stores to get a better understanding of what customers want and to provide the best possible service.


JYSK inaugurates fourth high bay in Uldum

- The mayor of Hedensted, Kasper Glyngø, participated in the official inauguration of high bay 4 in Uldum along with EVP Logistics in JYSK, Allan K. Kjærgaard.


SAO gives more time for customers

- SAO - semi-automated ordering – was last year put in focus through an ambassador project, which has freed up more time for customer service.

JYSK Sleep Survey

JYSK Sleep Survey: One in four sleeps poorly at night

- A recent study by JYSK among 35,000 persons from 19 European countries shows that almost every fourth person sleeps poorly at night.

Oskar Fisker Nielsen

Oskar digitises golden moments from VHS tapes

- For the new JYSK Museum in Denmark, around 100 old VHS tapes have to be digitised. That is part of Oskar Fisker Nielsen’s job.

New learning preview

Virtual customers make learning fun

- Recently JYSK employees around the world were introduced to new LMS training materials, which makes learning more fun.

Lemvig team

Stores say goodbye to paper

- Since MYJYSK was introduced in all countries, all stores in JYSK Nordic have had the opportunity to handle tasks on the mobile. For the store in the Danish city of Lemvig, this provides better overview, better follow-up and keeps employees informed about things both large and small.