68 Results for ''
Ole Thomsen

New person in front of logistics

- Executive Vice President Logistics Ole Thomsen had his first day in JYSK on 1 June 2022.

Johannes Rapp

A safe home for wild bees

- A cooperation with a student resulted in concrete changes to JYSK’s insect hotel.

PR Event

Around the world: CSR Award, PR events and first sod in Bozhurishte

- Every now and then, we round up recent events and activities from some of the JYSK countries. Check out the latest here.

FSC WEEK preview

JYSK puts focus on biodiversity

- “One for all, all for one” is the headline of the FSC® Week 2022, where the theme is biodiversity. JYSK contributes to creating awareness.

ESS 2022

Results from ESS 2022 are ready

- The results show both positive development and potential for improvements in certain areas.

Swedish winner

Big award in the horizon for great sales persons

- Starting this year, great sellers will be even more rewarded within the JYSK organisation.

Reza Rahimi

A Swedish success story goes international

- In just six years, he has climbed the career ladder in JYSK. Now, Reza Rahimi, District Manager of JYSK Sweden, is moving on to new challenges in the UK and Ireland.

JYSK colleague

JYSK is looking for your new colleagues

- In a new campaign called “Bring Dedication”, the goal is to make JYSK more visible and attract more people to join the company to support future growth and expansion.


How JYSK helps in Ukraine

- This is a sum-up of some of the initiatives JYSK is currently doing to assist the victims of war from Ukraine.