359 Results for ''
Torben Nygaard Timmermann

Sales Manager for Belgium has plenty of store experience

- A lot of hard work, positive results and a small portion of luck: this, according to Torben Nygaard Timmermann, is the formula for those who, like him, have ambitions on a management position in JYSK.

3 questions for a colleague #59

3 questions for a colleague #59

- If you had the chance to ask a colleague from another country three questions, what would you ask about?

New distribution centre DBL

New distribution centre inaugurated in Germany

- 5 October 2016 marked the inauguration of Dänishes Bettenlager’s new distribution centre in Kammlach in southern Germany.

JYSK Finland 21 year birthday Rauharentola

Finland celebrates its 21st birthday

- Finland’s 21st birthday campaign and new indoor season was marked with a blogger collaboration.

Zagreb visit

Danish students visit JYSK West Balkan

- On 11 October 2016, JYSK’s West Balkans head office in Zagreb, Croatia received a visit from 20 students from Denmark.

JYSK Nordic Mood

New inspiration concept

- On 1 November 2016 the inspiration concept Nordic Mood was launched in just short of 750 JYSK stores across seven countries.

JYSK distribution centre Uldum

JYSK expands its distribution centre

- On Friday, 19 August 2016, JYSK turned the first sod in Uldum and started its preliminary work on the expansion of the company’s Danish distribution centre in earnest.

Visual Merchandise catalogue

How we inspire the customers to buy more

- An improved handbook shows best practice on how the store should be decorated to inspire customers to buy more products.

Nikolaj Jensen

International career paths in JYSK: Nikolaj Jensen – From Denmark to Norway

- Nikolaj Jensen started as a sales trainee in Aarhus, Denmark. One week later, after having passed the professional exam, he was sitting on a plane on his way to Norway.