29 Results for ''
Åge Nielsen

Lars Larsen’s trusted front runner celebrates 40th anniversary

- On 14 August 2020, Purchasing Advisor Åge Nielsen celebrates his 40th anniversary in JYSK.

Video interviul: un nou pas în recrutarea colegilor potriviți

The video interview: a new step in finding the right colleagues

- Last year, when Skype or Zoom meetings were a choice, not a necessity, JYSK introduced a new step in the recruitment process: the video interview. GOJYSK.com asked colleagues from Romania and Poland why it is important and how it helps us find the right candidates.

Jørgen Lund

25 years of constant development

- On 1 July 2020, Executive Vice President Marketing, Sales & Expansion, Jørgen Lund, celebrates 25 eventful years in JYSK.

Keep your eyes open for local B2B opportunities

Keep your eyes open for local B2B opportunities

- A good B2B customer can be worth a thousand regular customers. That is why it pays off to be aware of any opportunity.

Charlotta Lindborg

Charlotta meets new possibilities in Germany

- After six years as HR Manager for JYSK Sweden, Charlotta Lindborg has taken on a new role within JYSK as Head of HR for DÄNISCHES BETTENLAGER in Germany.

ESS 2020

High employee satisfaction in JYSK

- During January 2020, employees in 20 countries were asked how it is to work in JYSK. The result puts JYSK among the best-rated companies in terms of employee satisfaction.

Strategy Kickoff

170 colleagues participated in online strategy workshop

- With zero chance of gathering 170 colleagues at HimmerLand, this year’s strategy kick-off instead became the largest virtual event ever in JYSK’s history.

First four Store Managers in Russia prepare for April

First four Store Managers in Russia prepare for April

- Ahead of the first JYSK store opening in Russia in April, four future Store Managers have been training hard to get ready.

Input from customers is a goldmine of knowledge

Input from customers is a goldmine of knowledge

- JYSK is introducing Customer Satisfaction Survey in all stores to get a better understanding of what customers want and to provide the best possible service.