45 Results for ''
Charlotta Lindborg

Charlotta meets new possibilities in Germany

- After six years as HR Manager for JYSK Sweden, Charlotta Lindborg has taken on a new role within JYSK as Head of HR for DÄNISCHES BETTENLAGER in Germany.

ESS 2020

High employee satisfaction in JYSK

- During January 2020, employees in 20 countries were asked how it is to work in JYSK. The result puts JYSK among the best-rated companies in terms of employee satisfaction.

Strategy Kickoff

170 colleagues participated in online strategy workshop

- With zero chance of gathering 170 colleagues at HimmerLand, this year’s strategy kick-off instead became the largest virtual event ever in JYSK’s history.

Jan Bøgh

Easter greeting from our CEO

- The latest weeks have been a challenge to all of us, and even now it is hard to say what will be the result of the current crisis. However, it has not been hard to see how the JYSK values live in our company in every store, distribution centre and office across all countries. We are truly One JYSK.

First four Store Managers in Russia prepare for April

First four Store Managers in Russia prepare for April

- Ahead of the first JYSK store opening in Russia in April, four future Store Managers have been training hard to get ready.

DM 3.0: “It is nice to have a closer relationship with our District Manager”

DM 3.0: “It is nice to have a closer relationship with our District Manager”

- More time in the stores and more digital solutions are some of the new updates in the DM 3.0 role that was fully implemented in December 2019.

ESS 2020

ESS 2020: See how your colleagues have improved their workplace

- Since the latest ESS (Employee Satisfaction Survey) in 2018, JYSK colleagues have worked hard to improve their own workplace in ways both large and small.

ESS 2020

ESS 2020: Use your voice to improve your workplace

- From 14-29 January, all employees are encouraged to participate in ESS (Employee Satisfaction Survey) to make JYSK an even better place to work.

JYSK Greenland

JYSK Franchise: From one store in Greenland to more than 200 in the world

- The number of JYSK stores operated by franchisees has reached a milestone. With a new strategy for JYSK Franchise, the goal is to grow even faster and make the concept stronger.