- Since MYJYSK was introduced in all countries, all stores in JYSK Nordic have had the opportunity to handle tasks on the mobile. For the store in the Danish city of Lemvig, this provides better overview, better follow-up and keeps employees informed about things both large and small.
New packaging secures the journey of the box mattress
- Improved packaging will ensure that box mattresses arrive unharmed to the customer.
JYSK rewarded for sustainable effort
- All JYSK's wooden garden furniture must be manufactured from FSC certified wood. This policy recently resulted in an award from FSC Denmark.
- Every month many new JYSK stores open the doors to customers around the world. Here you can get an overview of where and when JYSK stores will open this month.
JYSK strengthens focus on online sales
- In recent years, JYSK has been through a rapid development in E-business. Now, new forces must ensure that JYSK maintains the pace.
First winner of the #GOJYSK competition
- Andrew Gillen, District Manager in JYSK UK, wins the first round of the JYSK Influencer competition on GOJYSK.com.
JYSK prepares expansion to Ireland
- Ahead of plans to open in Ireland in April 2019, representatives of JYSK Nordic recently inspected the Irish market.
All new JYSK stores will be 3.0 concept
- More inspiration, better lighting and wooden floors will be among the improvements in new JYSK stores.
40 JYSK colleagues run for charity
- JYSK was one of the biggest groups representing companies at Wings for Life World Run.