32 Results for ''
Jørgen Lund

25 years of constant development

- On 1 July 2020, Executive Vice President Marketing, Sales & Expansion, Jørgen Lund, celebrates 25 eventful years in JYSK.

First store in Russia

JYSK welcomed customers in Moscow

- Even though JYSK had not done any marketing, many customers stopped by, when JYSK opened the first store in Moscow on 3 June.

Jan Bøgh

Update from our CEO: Welcome back

- Jan Bøgh welcomes back colleagues who have had an involuntary break from work due to coronavirus and the closing of many of our stores.

Charlotta Lindborg

Charlotta meets new possibilities in Germany

- After six years as HR Manager for JYSK Sweden, Charlotta Lindborg has taken on a new role within JYSK as Head of HR for DÄNISCHES BETTENLAGER in Germany.

ESS 2020

High employee satisfaction in JYSK

- During January 2020, employees in 20 countries were asked how it is to work in JYSK. The result puts JYSK among the best-rated companies in terms of employee satisfaction.

Strategy Kickoff

170 colleagues participated in online strategy workshop

- With zero chance of gathering 170 colleagues at HimmerLand, this year’s strategy kick-off instead became the largest virtual event ever in JYSK’s history.

Jan Bøgh

Easter greeting from our CEO

- The latest weeks have been a challenge to all of us, and even now it is hard to say what will be the result of the current crisis. However, it has not been hard to see how the JYSK values live in our company in every store, distribution centre and office across all countries. We are truly One JYSK.

Lidija from Skopje

From SA to HR: Meet Lidija from JYSK Franchise in North Macedonia

- Less than four years ago, Lidija Pavlovska joined our JYSK Franchise family. She is already one of the best Sales Assistants in North Macedonia and a great ambassador of JYSK.

First four Store Managers in Russia prepare for April

First four Store Managers in Russia prepare for April

- Ahead of the first JYSK store opening in Russia in April, four future Store Managers have been training hard to get ready.