95 Results for ''
Natalia Lach

Natalia has a passion for logistics

- Natalia is the new Logistics Manager at DC Radomsko.

Ole Thomsen

New person in front of logistics

- Executive Vice President Logistics Ole Thomsen had his first day in JYSK on 1 June 2022.

New JYSK stores

New JYSK stores June 2022

- JYSK keeps expanding with new stores every month. Read here to see where and when we will open this month.

PR Event

Around the world: CSR Award, PR events and first sod in Bozhurishte

- Every now and then, we round up recent events and activities from some of the JYSK countries. Check out the latest here.


New JYSK stores May 2022

- JYSK keeps expanding with new stores every month. Read here to see where and when we will open this month.


New JYSK stores April 2022

- JYSK keeps expanding with new stores every month. Read here to see where and when we will open this month.

ESS 2022

Results from ESS 2022 are ready

- The results show both positive development and potential for improvements in certain areas.

Swedish winner

Big award in the horizon for great sales persons

- Starting this year, great sellers will be even more rewarded within the JYSK organisation.

Reza Rahimi

A Swedish success story goes international

- In just six years, he has climbed the career ladder in JYSK. Now, Reza Rahimi, District Manager of JYSK Sweden, is moving on to new challenges in the UK and Ireland.