226 Results for ''
Johan Lahti

New packaging secures the journey of the box mattress

- Improved packaging will ensure that box mattresses arrive unharmed to the customer.

FSC Award

JYSK rewarded for sustainable effort

- All JYSK's wooden garden furniture must be manufactured from FSC certified wood. This policy recently resulted in an award from FSC Denmark.

E-commerce Sales Manager Sarah

JYSK strengthens focus on online sales

- In recent years, JYSK has been through a rapid development in E-business. Now, new forces must ensure that JYSK maintains the pace.

Wings for Life

40 JYSK colleagues run for charity

- JYSK was one of the biggest groups representing companies at Wings for Life World Run.


JYSK says no to harmful chemicals

- Harmful chemicals have a problematic effect on health and the environment. Therefore, JYSK has high standards and makes strict demands on suppliers.

Envelope sheets

From trash to charity

- Cooperation between JYSK and the Salvation Army ensures that 28,000 sheets are transformed from trash to charity.

Happy JYSK employees

New ESS shows impressive result

- The new employee satisfaction survey (ESS) shows that in JYSK we are considerably more motivated, satisfied and loyal than market average.

John H. Jacobsen

Scandinavian input for Canada

- For six weeks, John H. Jacobsen from JYSK Canada was part of JYSK Nordic, before returning home with lots of new input and inspiration.

FSC Week 2018

Let's put sustainability on the agenda

- Once again, JYSK is supporting the FSC Week, with the purpose of bringing focus to FSC® and sustainable forestry.