129 Results for ''
Wołomin team

JYSK in Wołomin is the best store in central Poland

- The regional stage in JYSK Nordic’s Most Attractive Store competition has ended. This time we go to Poland to meet one of the regional winners.


JYSK elected Best Employer in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

- Employees in the Czech Republic and Slovakia are very pleased with JYSK as an employer. This was confirmed when the company won the award “Best Employer 2018” in a big survey performed by the HR agency AON.


See how ESS helps improve work environment in Ukraine

- Based on results from the Employee Satisfaction Survey (ESS), significant initiatives have made the working day better for store employees in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

Mariana Cater - Store Manager

Most Attractive Store competition: Meet one of the District winners, JYSK Brașov 3

- JYSK Brașov 3 is the biggest store in Romania. We wanted to know how the store team prepared for the competition and how they managed to win the 1st place in their District.


JYSK celebrated as 'Investor of the Year' in Bulgaria

- With an investment of more than 100 million EUR in a brand new distribution center in Bozhuristhe near Sofia, JYSK has invested heavily in Bulgaria. Thursday March 7 this was rewarded when JYSK received the prize as 'Investor of the Year' in Bulgaria

JYSK Celje

Slovenia opens first 3.0 store with sleep event

- On Valentine’s Day, JYSK opened its first 3.0 store in Slovenia with a special event about sleep.

JYSK Nordic's most attractive store preview

Where is the most attractive store in JYSK?

- An international competition sets out to find the most attractive JYSK store across all JYSK Nordic countries.

Torben Ladefoged Gjørret

New assembly video with focus on important details

- To ensure that customers always get a great experience in JYSK, it is crucial that all display furniture is assembled in the right way

Vacuum cleaner

New equipment results in better and more effective cleaning

- Less time spent on cleaning, means more time for the customer. That is the reality of the JYSK stores, which have replaced the carpet with wooden floors.