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Weather goose

JYSK Museum: Meet the weather goose

Datum: 19/04/2017

Author: Stine Falk, Communications & CSR Intern

Kategorija: History

Weather gooseIn the JYSK Museum in Aarhus, Denmark, there are many exciting things. One of them, which is hard to miss when you enter the room, is a customised JYSK weather goose.

Most people know the so-called weather vane which is the more traditional version. In this case, the vane has been forced to step down for the goose, our JYSK mascot.

JYSK in every direction

Another detail, which is characteristic of the classic edition, is the four corners of the world: North, South, East and West. In JYSK's case, they have been replaced by the letters J, Y, S and K. Because as the saying goes: All roads lead to a JYSK store.

The weather goose was a gift for Lars Larsen, owner and founder of JYSK, and it has been granted a special and permanent place in the JYSK Museum. It is probably safe to say that this JYSK gem is a one-of-a-kind and that no weather goose quite like it exists.

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