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Danish art of #hygge

- JYSK Poland in the movie made with Ula Chincz, a blogger, also known as Ula Pedantula, shows what #hygge lifestyle is about - in the heart of Denmark, its capital city – Copenhagen. Ula Pedantula along with Allan Thullesen, Danish blogger, explores all the aspects of hygge, focusing on its practical dimension : how to create a sense of everyday cosiness and warmth, how important for #hygge lifestyle are the objects we surround us with?

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Wider online assortment increases sales in stores

- By combining the selection in our physical stores with an even wider assortment online, JYSK is fulfilling customer needs and securing increased sales.

JYSK products in our own homes

JYSK products in our own homes

- See how your colleagues decorate their own home with JYSK products.

Christmas hygge in Romania

Romania gets into the Christmas spirit

- More than 100 journalists and bloggers attended JYSK’s Christmas event in Bucharest.

Pernille Havndrup on supplier visit.

JYSK optimises packaging of containers and saves transportation

- 3 JYSK colleagues, 8 days in China and Vietnam and 11 supplier visits have resulted in a saving of 30 containers in transportation.

JYSK Ferdinand

JYSK checks into Hotel Ferdinand

- Two apartments in Hotel Ferdinand in Aarhus, Denmark, have been decorated using only JYSK products – and anyone can book a night.

Assembly days

VIDEO: Furniture goes through test assembly to ensure quality

- Several times a year, JYSK organises so-called test and assembly days, where furniture, among other things, are tested to ensure that they are easy for customers to assemble.

Textile inspection

VIDEO: Textiles are placed under scrutiny

- In JYSK’s distribution centre in Radomsko, Poland, the quality department performs thorough inspections on all textiles.

Quality inspection

VIDEO: Quality control of incoming products

- In all of JYSK’s distribution centres, the local quality department conducts controls of incoming products.