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VIDEO: JYSK Serbia awarded for charity project

Дата: 09/12/2019

Author: Benedicte Loft Mortensen, Communications & CSR Consultant

Категория: Awards , Sustainability

A charity project in Serbia made it possible for people in the city of Belgrade to donate clothes to each other. The project won second place for “Best CSR Project of the year” in Serbia. 

A simple setup with two products from JYSK, the clothes rack JENNET and TRYGVE hangers, helped spread joy in Serbia.

The clothes racks were placed two different places in Belgrade for three days. On the clothes racks, citizens could hang their extra clothes or take the clothes they needed for free.

The clothes rack project received great media attention and was nominated for an award in Serbia. The project won second place in the category “Best CSR Project of the year”.

The clothes rack project has already been spread out to three other cities in Serbia: Niš, Subotica and Novi Sad. And next year, the cloth racks and hangers will be set up again in several cities in Serbia, to allow even more people to benefit from the project.

Below you can see an inspirational video about the project – enjoy!

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