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New JYSK stores this month

Дата: 01/12/2017

Author: Laura Sulbæk Frederiksen, Communications & Sponsorship Consultant

Категория: Expansion

new stores december


Every month many new JYSK stores open the doors to customers around the world. Here you can get an overview of where and when JYSK stores will open this month.

Expansion has been a main part of the DNA in JYSK ever since JYSK owner Lars Larsen opened the first store in Denmark in the city of Aarhus in 1979.

Since then the number of stores has grown from one to more than 2500 in 49 countries around the world providing customers with a great Scandinavian offer within sleeping and living.

Here you can get an overview of where JYSK Nordic will open new stores this month.

New jysk Nordic stores
- december 2017

Czech Republic
Podebrady, December 14th

Dorohoi, December 14th

Cazin, December 21st

Kyiv Lavina, December 25th


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