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JYSK celebrates FSC week in Denmark

Дата: 08/04/2019

Author: Benedicte Loft Mortensen, Communications & CSR Consultant

Категорія: Sustainability

In week 15, JYSK is taking part in the Danish FSC week to put special attention on FSC and sustainable forestry.

What does FSC mean?

  • FSC is short for Forest Stewardship Council®. FSC is an international non-profit organisation and labelling system for wood and paper, which originates from sustainable forests.
  • In FSC forests, no more wood is felled than the forest can reproduce and strict requirements are set for the use of pesticides and chemicals to protect the aquatic environment.
  • FSC makes a number of social requirements that make local areas benefit from the income from the forest. Foresters in FSC forests are ensured proper conditions, including education, safety equipment and fair pay.

As a member of the Danish FSC organisation, JYSK participates in the FSC week together with other companies and organisations to put focus on sustainable forestry and the FSC label.

The theme for this year’s FSC week is the Danish word TAK, which means thank you. Thank you on behalf of the forest for choosing FSC.


A number of products in JYSK carry the FSC label, and as an example, all of our wooden garden furniture is FSC certified. We are working to increase the amount of products with the FSC label in our remaining assortment.

JYSK has been a member of the Danish FSC organisation since 2006, and we continuously support different FSC events. For example, we participated in the FSC Design Award in Copenhagen in 2018

FSC ugen grafik
The official FSC week graphics: "Thank you, as the woods cannot say it"


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