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Śnieżka mountain

Czech and Slovak colleagues climb the highest mountain

Дата: 16/06/2017

Author: Martin Fyn Aamand, Head of Communications & PR

Категорія: People

Kristýna Čižinská
Kristýna Čižinská, Social Media & Digital Coordinator.

As a team building activity, colleagues in JYSK’s head office for the Czech Republic and Slovakia climbed a mountain together.

JYSK employees are always reaching for the top. That is literally true for the colleagues in JYSK’s head office in Prague who run the business in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

"It was a great challenge, but I enjoyed it and am definitely planning on going next year as well!"Kristýna Čižinská, Social Media & Digital Coordinator

As part of ensuring better team spirit between colleagues, they have made it an annual event to climb the highest mountain in the Czech Republic, which is called Śnieżka and reaches 1.603 metres into the sky.

First-time mountain climber

One of the participants in this year’s adventure was Kristýna Čižinská, Social Media & Digital Coordinator.

“This was my first year – and actually also first time ever – I hiked up our highest mountain. It was a great challenge, but I enjoyed it and am definitely planning on going next year as well! I liked that we went as a team and pushed each other towards better performances,” says Kristýna.

JYSK at the top

Once they reached the top of the mountain, Kristýna and her colleagues made sure to document their achievement with photos, including a JYSK banner.

“We brought the JYSK banner because we are proud to be part of the JYSK family,” says Kristýna.

Click to see more photos.

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