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Lars Larsen street

Lars Larsen’s name lives on around the world

- To celebrate Lars Larsen's birthday, we highlight the four streets named after him placed in three different countries around the world.

New stores August 2023

New stores August 2023

- JYSK keeps expanding with new stores every month. Read here to see where and when we will open this month.


Store colleagues help out in Customer Service

- In West Balkan, a summer cooperation between Retail and Customer Service has secured even better service.

Brandenburger Tor

JYSK apprentices conquer Berlin

- In Mid-June, JYSK apprentices in Germany packed their bags and went to Berlin. A special project awaited the talents of tomorrow here.

One day in JYSK

One day in JYSK: Three colleagues share their workday (July 2023)

- With more than 30,000 colleagues across many different countries, no two workdays are the same in JYSK.

Team Leader Trainee programme

All Distribution Centres get new Team Leader Trainee programme

- After successful testing at Distribution Centre Uldum, JYSK is ready to implement the Team Leader Trainee programme at all Distribution Centres this autumn.

New JYSK stores

New JYSK stores July 2023

- JYSK keeps expanding with new stores every month. Read here to see where and when we will open this month.


Unified Commerce now runs in all Danish stores

- The new point of sale system is now fully rolled out in Denmark. The last Danish store went live on Thursday 29 June.


2 out of 3 JYSK stores are now 3.0

- JYSK has reached an important milestone with 2,000 stores worldwide with Store Concept 3.0.