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Colegi din peste 25 de magazine s-au mobilizat pentru a ajuta spitalele locale

Colleagues from over 25 stores came together to help local hospitals

- JYSK created a 150.000 lei emergency fund with the purpose of equipping Romanian hospitals that are treating COVID-19 patients and that are in need of products such as pillows, duvets and bed linen. Managers of 18 hospitals and an ambulance service responded to the initiative.

FSC Week 2020

The world's forests say thank you for FSC

- “Gracias, obrigado, thank you, tak.” The theme of this year's FSC Week is a global 'thank you' for choosing sustainable wood.

Global Goals preview photo

Global Goals as a new framework for JYSK’s sustainability work

- JYSK has decided to introduce UN’s Global Goals for sustainable development as the overall guideline for our work with sustainability.