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Two million DKK from JYSK Esbjerg to Danmarks Indsamling


Author: Rune Jungberg Pedersen, Communications & CSR Director

Category: Sustainability

JYSK Esbjerg
Mads, Henry, Oliver, Rasmus and Sebrina from JYSK in Esbjerg participated in the tv spot at the charity show Danmarks Indsamling.

Colleagues in JYSK in Esbjerg, Denmark made their debut on national television on Saturday evening, when donating two million DKK on behalf of JYSK.

On Saturday 29 January 2022, Danes stood together to help the children who are victims of the corona crisis when Danmarks Indsamling was broadcast on national television from Musikhuset Esbjerg, Denmark.

Danmarks Indsamling is an annual event, where some of the biggest Danish NGO´s work together on raising money for a joint cause. 

And like all former years with this initiative, JYSK supported with a big donation, and this year it was Mads, Henry, Oliver, Rasmus and Sebrina from JYSK in Esbjerg who had signed up to appear in the annual tv spot that accompanies the donation from JYSK.

"Of course, we were ready for that. I like to be an ambassador for JYSK, and I am sure that my colleagues think the same. It is also always fun to try something new, and both the TV crew and my colleagues helped to create a good atmosphere and to create a good experience,” says Mads Nissen, who is Store Manager at JYSK in Esbjerg.

JYSK has traditionally supported Danmarks Indsamling with 1 million kroner every year since the initiative was started, but this year the colleagues in Esbjerg had the pleasure of donating two million.

“It means something that we give something to projects where something happens immediately. And then it is not "just" two million from JYSK. We help to donate together with many others, and I also believe that the two million from JYSK help to inspire other companies to participate,” says Mads.

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