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Danish art of #hygge


Author: Aleksandra Chalimoniuk, Communication&PR Manager

Category: People , Product Assortment


JYSK Poland in the movie made with Ula Chincz, a blogger, also known as Ula Pedantula, shows what #hygge lifestyle is about -  in the heart of Denmark, its capital city – Copenhagen.  Ula Pedantula along with Allan Thullesen, Danish blogger, explores all the aspects of hygge, focusing on its practical dimension : how to create a sense of everyday cosiness and warmth, how important for #hygge lifestyle are the objects we surround us with?

For years JYSK has inspired people to create comfortable, beautiful interior designs. The essential element of this philosophy with Danish roots is hygge – exceptional  definition of living.

It is not without  reason that the Danish concept of hygge has become extremely popular all around the world. It is a perfect solution in the search of happiness and comfort.  As Danish people emphasise, it is difficult to define what exactly #hygge means. For the Danish it is a very natural part of life but because of its multidimensionality, it could be hard to understand for other nationalities. JYSK is a Danish company. We fully understand this Danish philosophy, which is simply a part of our company DNA. That’s why we want to promote  it and inspire Polish people to enjoy living in #hygge style.



JYSK Polska and Ula Pedantula, a journalist and an expert in comfortable and stylish interior design, invite you to enter the world of hygge. In the movie shot in Copenhagen, Ula Pedantula discovers the secrets and practical side of hygge with the help of Danish blogger – Allan Thullesen. How to create a blissful and warm ambience every day? What is the role of objects that surround us in creating such ambience? How to achieve this state of relaxation and joyful leisure? As Rune Jungberg Pedersen – Communications & CSR Director in JYSK highlights, Scandinavian design is simpler and more functional than other styles common elsewhere in the world and thanks to that it aligns perfectly with the idea of hygge simplicity and comfort.


We are trying to show how to create the ambience of warmth and bliss using certain colours, fabrics, textures and specific objects – explains Kia Andre Jensen, Store Manager in Copenhagen. – Through such activities we would like to sustain and enhance our role of ambassador of Danish design and offer  functional tips for our customers on how to create even more comfortable interiors in hygge spirit adds Aleksandra Chalimoniuk, Communication& PR Manager Poland.

Watch filming of “Danish hygge”  - behind the scenes at the movie set:

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